Monday, March 9, 2009

Lies from the left #1 and #2

Recently a number of democratic propagandist have been throwing out two truly ridiculous lies. I would call them mistakes, or errors, but given the gravity and the collection of perpetrators they can only be called lies and propaganda.

The first is that Rush Limbaugh is the leader of the republican party. Now it is a matter of fact Mr. Limbaugh has not been elected to any positions in the republican party. I know this as a fact because I pay attention to what's going on, and if he had been elected or even if had run I probably would have gotten wind of it. And while I am not a republican I do try and keep abreast of what those guys are doing, just so I know who's truly to blame for the latest mess. The fact is that Mr. Limbaugh is a radio personality who has a great many conservative followers. He is also a republican with a lot sway in the public view. It is also true that his view are probably mirroring the views of a great many other conservative republicans. However, that is the extent of his power in this area.

The second fabrication is that Rush Limbaugh, and guilty by association the rest of the republicans, now are hoping and even waiting for Barrack Obama to fail. To that end I am reprinting here the whole quote that was twisted around, from Sean Hannity's show Hannity on January 21, 2009

"So I shamelessly say, no, I want him to fail, if his agenda is a far- left collectivism, some people say socialism, as a conservative heartfelt, deeply, why would I want socialism to succeed?"

Given the full quote who would not want a move towards socialism to fail. Anybody who want otherwise can only be an idiot or a sad pathetic wretch of a human or both. What we have seen is that whenever socialism is put in place it fails, and eventually turns to fascism.

The problem is that there are a lot of far left crazy people who think that socialism is good, and the redistribution of wealth is good. I do however, find it quite interesting that those are frequently the people who have no wealth to redistribute from. They might feel a little different if they were the ones who's work were being redistributed from instead of being the ones on the receiving end of the redistributions.

And here's a great quote from another of the great propagandists of our time,
Joseph Goebbels:

" It is the absolute right of the state to supervise the formation of public opinion"

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