Saturday, March 14, 2009

Liberal Fascism in America today

As someone who's an admitted politics junkie I am constantly trying to keep up with everything that's going on in the media today. In fact one of the things that has drawn me into this fight is what I've come to see a tendency toward outright fascism in the liberal media. While critics of my opinion would ask the question "Isn't that contradictory, given the strength of the conservative media, and the nature of liberal concerns ?". Let me assure you that it is not. Other critics might argue " The conservatives are just as bad!!!". Again I would say that is demonstrably false.

First, let me start by stating that the only truly honest and impartial news media in the United states is CNN. Cambell Brown, Lou Dobbs, John King, and Fareed Zakharia are the only genuinely unbiased folks out there. I hope this fact would be obvious to everyone. Then on the right we have Fox, and on the far far left we have MSNBC. I would hope this would be equally obvious to everyone.

Now we all realize that journalist are supposed to be honest and report the truth. Yet clearly that's not what's happening at all. What we are seeing here is not unlike what another group of socialist did in Germany in the late 1930's and 1940's. Through the clever use of propaganda, lies, and scapegoating the liberals on the left are trying to create the view that certain groups are evil and that the views which the hold should not be permitted. Further, just like the those German socialists of the 1930's and 1940's these current liberals are using the same techniques of slandering demonization.

So basically under the current administration you are free to exercise your right to free speech and express your views, provided of course that those views are the same as the administration now in control. If however, you should question the policies that could destroy us all, then you must be an evil vile miscreant, or a greedy elitist. All of which is very ironic, because the whole ideas surrounding the liberal left is that they are supposed to these educated, open minded, egalitarian types who are predisposed towards open minded debate. Yet what we see could not be further from the truth.

During the 2008 presidential campaign we witnessed a propaganda machine the likes of which I could not imagine. And as proof of the gullibility of the American people we fell for it. Well some of us did. Then candidate Obama was painted as some sort of savior like character who would solve all of the worlds problems, while anyone who asked even a question regarding his positions was instantly destroyed using whatever collection of lies they could come up with.

The classic example was Joe the plumber who asked a simple question. That being; "Isn't the redistribution of wealth just socialism ?". As soon as he asked that question rumors were spread that he was being investigated for non payment of child support and alimony. And as soon as that happened people did no further digging into the rumors, they just accepted the fact that if you questioned Obama and his policies then there must be something wrong with you and here was the proof. There was of course no basis in fact for these lies since Joe the plumber was a happily married man who had never been divorced. But it just goes to show the level that the liberal fascist on the left are willing to go.

So if there is anybody out there who actually reads this blog what I ask of you is this. Try not to be so damn gullible. When you hear something that sounds like it might be a little far fetched look into it. Don't just take the half truths and twisted lies that you are being fed from the internet, the radio, and the cable news. The truth is that there are factions on both sides of the political fence who are perfectly willing to tell you whatever they think you will want to hear, just so they can get in power and stay in power. And once they are in power the damage is very difficult to roll back.

This weeks quote is another from Adolf Hitler:

"The great masses of the people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one. "

Monday, March 9, 2009

Lies from the left #1 and #2

Recently a number of democratic propagandist have been throwing out two truly ridiculous lies. I would call them mistakes, or errors, but given the gravity and the collection of perpetrators they can only be called lies and propaganda.

The first is that Rush Limbaugh is the leader of the republican party. Now it is a matter of fact Mr. Limbaugh has not been elected to any positions in the republican party. I know this as a fact because I pay attention to what's going on, and if he had been elected or even if had run I probably would have gotten wind of it. And while I am not a republican I do try and keep abreast of what those guys are doing, just so I know who's truly to blame for the latest mess. The fact is that Mr. Limbaugh is a radio personality who has a great many conservative followers. He is also a republican with a lot sway in the public view. It is also true that his view are probably mirroring the views of a great many other conservative republicans. However, that is the extent of his power in this area.

The second fabrication is that Rush Limbaugh, and guilty by association the rest of the republicans, now are hoping and even waiting for Barrack Obama to fail. To that end I am reprinting here the whole quote that was twisted around, from Sean Hannity's show Hannity on January 21, 2009

"So I shamelessly say, no, I want him to fail, if his agenda is a far- left collectivism, some people say socialism, as a conservative heartfelt, deeply, why would I want socialism to succeed?"

Given the full quote who would not want a move towards socialism to fail. Anybody who want otherwise can only be an idiot or a sad pathetic wretch of a human or both. What we have seen is that whenever socialism is put in place it fails, and eventually turns to fascism.

The problem is that there are a lot of far left crazy people who think that socialism is good, and the redistribution of wealth is good. I do however, find it quite interesting that those are frequently the people who have no wealth to redistribute from. They might feel a little different if they were the ones who's work were being redistributed from instead of being the ones on the receiving end of the redistributions.

And here's a great quote from another of the great propagandists of our time,
Joseph Goebbels:

" It is the absolute right of the state to supervise the formation of public opinion"

Why the republicans really lost in 2008

As soon as the DNC picked Barrack Obama as their candidate for the president it was painfully obvious that John McCain didn't stand a chance. Why is that you may ask? Because of two reasons.

The first reason is that Barrack Obama is younger, hipper, better looking and infinitely more cool than John McCain. Let's face it Fergie likes Barrack, so does Hayden Panattiere, and Madonna. And lets face it there's no way we can argue with that that level of political astuteness. And although I am a fan of John McCain's he really did seem to be a quite daft on more than one occasions. It was like he some kind of grandpa telling stories about when he was a kid. He was quite out of touch with reality.

The second reason that the democrats won is that the democrats play dirty pool, which is on a level that John McCain and his people would not stoop. Mind you the republicans play dirty pool also, it's just that McCain's folks aren't nearly as adept at it. Nor were they as adept at controlling the media. If Karl Rove had been running the McCain campaign he would have had a field day with it. There would have been images and innuendo about every possible aspect of Barrack Obama's life. His name, his lineage, his upbringing, his voting record or lack there of. Karl Rove would have slaughtered Barrack and we'd never have heard of him again, accept as an also ran.

So now we get the at least four years of the democratic propaganda machine to deal with. I'm not sure which is worst, only that at least when the republicans try to pull a fast one it's a little harder to catch them in the lies. However when the Democrats tell their lies it's difficult not to feel as though they are insulting our intelligence because their lies are so preposterous. And yet there are a good amount of the American people who are totally willing to believe them.

My plan is to keep track of these lies and miss truths, and keep a running tally of them as they come out.

And now a quote from one of my favorite fascist, Adolf Hitler:

"If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed. "

Not even a shadow of the founders...

The problem with politics in America today is that the people living in America today are not even a thin shadow of the people that founded this country. Where the founding fathers were brave, and courageous we are meek and timid. Where the founder fathers were well read and intelligent, we are shallow and short sighted. Where the founding fathers were independent and self reliant we have been coddled, and grave attention thinking only of ourselves, and to hell with everyone else.

We as a people have forgotten the sacrifices made for our freedoms. We fail to recognize the importance of those freedoms and the cost of those freedoms. The fact is that we are stupid lazy children, spoiled brats, who are squandering that which was given to us at such a great cost.

We are gullible to the extreme, we want instant gratification and we aren't really willing to work for it. And anybody who says that they can give it to us is our new best friend.

And like many spoiled children I suspect things will not go well for us when we grow up and don't just get what we want by crying for it.

I'd like to close with a small quote from Benjamin Franklin:

"those who sacrifice liberty for security deserve niether"